Pulse Sequence Acronym Registration

    This form will allow you to submit a registration for a new or existing pulse sequence acronym. After filling out the form below, the information will be reviewed by one of the MARS physicists. It is important to supply contact information (preferably email) so that we may reach you if further information is necessary. If you have questions on submitting data, contact the webmaster

        Once reviewed, if the submitted acronym is accepted, it will be posted on the MARS acronym database and the developer and contributor cited. If necessary, you may be asked to supply a pulse sequence diagram and/or a sample clinical image. Additionally, you will receive a certificate (suitable for framing!) acknowledging your contribution to the world of MRI jargon!

Please provide the following information:

Your Name

Street address
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal code
Work Phone

Acronym Data

Proposed Acronym
Acronym Expansion
Synonyms (if any)
Related sequences
Developer/Creator Name
Date Developed
Machine Developed on/for
Purpose / raison d'etre

Typical Sequence Parameters

(fill in sample values or ranges in applicable categories)
TE (msec)
TR (msec)
TI (msec) - if applicable
Echo Train Length
Bandwidth (Hz)
Flip Angle (degrees)
Sequence Description and

Imaging Technique

Other Factors / Comments

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Copyright 2000, MARS
Last revised: November 27, 2000