
Fast Spin Echo

Rapid Acquisition with Refocussed Echoes

Turbo Spin Echo™ (GE)

Fast Acquistion Spin Echo


As in routine spin-echo imaging, a 90 degree RF pulse is followed by a single 180 degree refocussing pulse. However, in fast spin echo (FSE) imaging, multiple 180 degree refocussing pulses are performed with multiple resulting spin-echoes. Each echo has a different phase encoding value and is assigned to a different k-space line. As the number of echoes acquired after a 90 degree excitation increases, scan time decreases but signal to noise also decreases and T2 blurring increases. Maximum ETL is limited by true T2 decay.

Typical Paramaters:

TR: >3000 msec (for T2-weighted images)

TE: Effective TE is time when the central k-space views are acquired (which determine image contrast).

ETL: Echo Train Length - generally between 4 and 16



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Related Sequences/Terms:

RARE, SE, Turbo Spin Echo (GE)


ETL is number of echoes obtained following single 90 degree RF pulse
As ETL increases scan time decreases
fat appears abnormally bright on T2 FSE images (due to J-coupling)
some proteinaceous tissue appears darker due to magnetization transfer

Pulse Sequence Diagram:

FSEa.GIF (11333 bytes) Fast Spin Echo (FSE/RARE) sequence


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